Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A new man

Am I different? Are you different? To what can we refer to know if someone is different? If I am different of you, are you different of me? But, what is difference? Why are we scared of it? Why are we afraid of the changes? I think that as a society, we are not ready to accept differences. This problem is approached in the movie Phenomenon. This great movie helps us to realize that we need to understand that it is hard for the ones who are different. Also, can a person really change her whole personality?

First of all, it is not easy for the ones who are different. Often, we don't want to be with them or accept who they are. We are afraid of everything that can disturb our everyday life. We are not enough wise to accept the fact that everyone is different. I know that it is normal to try to protect ourselves, but I think it is sad to see someone that is not like others or that is alone. Also, for the ones who live the difference every day, it is hard to be judge. It can even become hard for them to accept themselves. In Phenomenon, John Travolta's character has to live with the judgments of his friends and of the population. For example, George reads more and more books a day. His friends can't understand it. Books represent the intelligence, the knowledge and the desire of always knowing more. The population doesn't want him in the village because they are sacred of him. I really believe that we need to open our minds to be ready to live with people that are not like us.

Although, how can we be sure that the person in question has really changed? How can we prove that he is really different? For example, something that had happen to someone in his life may have changed him, but his values may be the same as before. It is the character that is important, not the rest. If you continue to believe in the same things as before, you are not really different. In the movie, the man become more intelligent, but he stills the same one. Because he knows more things than before, people are scared of him and of what he may change in his society. Also, the difference may be ethnic side. If a Black person is in a white's class, he could be judged and isolated. But if he lives as us, if he shares the same values, what is the problem? Is really a skin colour a good motive of discrimination? We are in 2010, we need to evolve!

To conclude, we are not ready yet to live with the difference. We are not the only ones on Earth. We need to accept the difference. Finally, take the time to think about the fact that it may have been you!

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